August 14, 2008

Summer Adventures Part I: My first Roller Coaster ride! WOW!!!!!

I need to do a better job at keeping this site up to date. Well, I guess I need to start reporting with at least three major events that have happened since the last time I posted something. As an information Technology graduate, I preferred FIFO (First In First Out) stacks but in this case I will do LIFO (Last In Fist Out). The nice part about this events is that all of them where a week apart from each other!


Last week I had the opportunity to go to Lagoon for the first time! Well, that is not too exciting by itself. The exciting part is that it was my first time on a roller coaster!!! Now, THAT WAS EXCITING! I can honestly say that I had never screamed so much and so loud in my entire life! I knew that riding on a roller coaster was going to be an adventure but my expectations were nothing compare to reality!!

April, a good friend, called a day before because she was taking the Student Body Government of her school, I think she is their adviser, to their last activity for the year (or the first, depending how you want to see it) and she needed drivers/chaperons for the high school kids, Doug (my roommate) and Michael (a friend from my ward) were the other drivers, besides April. Well, how to pass and opportunity to:

  1. Go to Lagoon
  2. Ride a roller coaster (s)
  3. Get everything 1 and 2 paid for.
  4. Hung out with high School kids (I was reminded of my EFY counselor’s days, boy!)
  5. Spend time with friends Be the entertainment for my friend that came as well (I’ll explain this later)

So you see, the benefits of the trip definitely made it worth going!

The approach taken was “lets get out the scary ones out of the way and the rest will be piece of cake” (Did any one said cheese cake?! I love cheese cake! ) well, I appreciate their concern! If that were not all, in my first two rides, I ended up riding in the front chair! Tell me I am crazy! Well…needless to said, I screamed like a little girl (nothing against little girls). I think my friend were enjoying seeing (and hearing) me in the rides that the rides themselves; I am glad I could help them to enjoy their trip! I first rode the Wild Mouse (the scariest parts where at the corners, I was 99.9999% sure that I was going to fall over every single time!), then we did the Colossus (or Fire Dragon). We then rode Wicked, now that is a scary ride; we actually rode this one twice and the second time I sat in the front. Needless to say, I had my eyes open for about 5 seconds total and believe me, they were not the first 5 seconds!

After, we rode the Spider, and then the Cliffhanger and then….. drums drumming please!!! My first Roller coaster!!At this point I had been to more scary things that for about 4 seconds, in on e of the lowest parts, I put my hand up!!! I was so proud of myself!!! I think I deserved a golden star on my front head! It is important to note that since I knew I was going to do this I didn’t have breakfast that morning so by 1 I was so hungry and that time of the day came: lunch time!!! Yay for lunch!

After lunch we headed for the Jet Start and then for the rocket (I had to close my eyes in one of them). After doing so much intense rides we decided that it was time for something slower so we went to the Sky Scraper; it was my very first time on Ferris wheel. I decided, I am ok with heights if it is not too fast! We then went for some water rafting (Rattlesnake) and needless to say, we got wet. We also did something more my type: the carrousel! Yay! I had not been on one for ages! I felt like I was crawling. To finish our trip on a high note, we finished with a ride of Wicked and 4, yep it is not a typo, rides of Colossus.

It is worth mentioning that by night time everything hurt! I figured that the adrenaline went down.

Would I do this again? Of course!!!

To be continued.......

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