July 22, 2008

How good recruiter are we?

"In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is."
-Jan L. A. van de Snepscheut/Yogi Berra-

You know, we claim to know many things but do we practice them 24x7? There is a great difference between knowing something and practicing that something. I’ll illustrate this point.

So…yesterday, after getting off work and walking home, I started thinking about this girl so I told to myself:

“Myself, I think you should call…. ”

Yeah right!!! You all though I was going to write her name! I am sorry to disappoint you but nope! No name yet! Anyhow, knowing myself, he replied:

“Ben, I think that is a bright idea!”

I decided to call her! This is as far as myself helped me; after that, I was on my own. Thanks myself!

I don’t really know her and by the little I know her I can tell she is pretty, fun, and smart. We talked about reading, books, and whatnot; you know. Something light. Towards the end of our short chat she asked a question, that even though I know she didn’t mean it to be rude, it definitely made me feel sooooooooooooooo bad and made me think a lot. She asked me if I was checking the list whether she qualified or not (not the exact words). I then realized that my asking questions to get to know her had come across as some like an interview: I am SOOOOOOOOOOO embarrassed!!!!

I hope you don’t think less of me. Even though I don’t consider myself a “pro” when it comes to social skills, I don’t think I am too bad either; but, once in a while I do things like this making me realized that I have a lot to learn. Hopefully that person will be a friend and help me be and do better.

I hope that when that girl finds (Don’t worry, I am also looking for her) me she will be able to look at my imperfections and see them as an opportunity to help me improve. I hope she expects me to be better, be patient enough so we both can work together to overcome those imperfections, and she doesn’t think I am interviewing her.

In conclusion, sometimes it is easy to say we are going to react in certain way to a given situation; but when we are in that situation, the story is different. I am not trying to excuse myself for the things I do; after all, this is one of the great gifts given to us: agency.

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