March 15, 2011


I have recently been thinking a great deal about miracles. A good friend of mine asked me if I believe in miracles and if I expected them in my life. I though about it and recently that idea has been running through my mind more and more. The more I have thought about it the more I have realized there have been instances in the past few weeks that have fueled that desire to understand, belief, desire and expect them in my life. Miracles have a deep root in faith. Moroni thought that "...[I] receive not witness until after the trial of [my] faith..." and this is seen in our daily lives
Someone said long ago that when great events occur, three types of people are manifest: first, the one who doesn’t realize that anything great is happening; second, the individual who realizes something is going on but doesn’t know what it is; and third, the man behind the scenes making it all happen.(Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ)
That "man behind the scenes making it all happen" had to be tried and had to pay the price for that event to occur. Faith has to be founded first on the Savior Jesus the Christ and only after on works. Looking into my life I think that a big obstacle is committing myself. We all want to see this marvelous events come to our lives but how many of us are willing to give all to make them happen...some times, all I can see in front of me is "impossible."

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